Friday, September 24, 2010



The score you thought you made a hundred times
With a flurry mix of couplings
A whirring of flesh
Nothing better
The carnal mess
In a blender of desire
Resulting only in
A landfill of lies
Wasted years of empty pleasure
Spent and discarded
Like a used french letter

Coming back to pull your heart
down to your crotch
From the weight of the dalliance
And the truth in the lie
The wrong heart has been beating all this time
You follow the throb wherever it goes
And you’ve never been lost before were
but how were you to know?
Using the wrong compass
while traveling the wrong road
All those twats…
The pussys
The cunts
The clits
The tits
The boobs
The nips
The booty
the ass
all that
and you left
wantin’ for more
the blowjobs
the butt fucks
goin’ down on
something new
didn’t add up
to much after
after you were through
twas then that
you knew
you are only
what you spew
or piss away

You used to break their hearts
And now they break your balls

but now when the pressure is applied
there is no reason to recoil
no necessity to lie
or emotions to feign
Numb sacks after all
Have a great capacity
for pain
which fills the void
and assuages the shame

Time to Tally the Dalli', there, Ace!
You lose
You can finally relent
Your buddy
the carnal compass
can rest
because your semen bank
Has been looted
and you
have been spent

First you can’t keep your fly up
Then it’s an effort to try
Next thing you dry up
and finally you die