Friday, September 17, 2010


L A U S   K A U S

I take comfort in my vices. It’s the only thing that keeps me going. There is no one else to sooth me, to calm, to give me safe harbor. If I crave booz, so what? If I smoke a joint, who cares? If I pop a pill…or a hooker, or even a housewife, what’s the difference? Let me be. I don’t have a virgin mary or a mother theresa to save my soul. It’s too late and frankly I don’t care. It is My self destruction, it is my Own disillusion. It is my garden of sin so don’t come tromping in with your heavy boots and expect that you will save me. I don’t require salvation. Move along. Find another lost soul who might ask directions to shelter, I am not looking. I have mine. Label me a lost cause and move along. Shake your head in disbelief, but bear no sadness or regret. You do not owe me a thing and I expect nothing. You are not your brother’s keeper and I am not your brother. Move along. 


La Luna met the dogs as she crested the hill overlooking San Juan Portio. She was so looking forward to slipping in silently and seeing her reflections in the bay below - mirror glass still, a cool pool of luster on which to preen, shimmering, anxious and waiting to take her in. Instead, Her elegance met with the madding howl of a pack of baying beasts shredding tranquility and snapping at the nerves.  The hounds of Mad Sol, would have none of this nightly visitation, none of it at all. HE would have her slip by, a mere sliver of herself, but she did so love to bloom, and tonight was in full glow. A monthly tidal episode neither one could control. A cold dark orb, he called her…void of anything of life. But he followed her, as others do – no more special in his majesty, than she will allow or give him credit for.  And for the ruler of all, this was enough. He would rage in the frustration of his need but longed to glimpse her shadow, linger and taste the scent of her passing. La Luna was here but moments ago. We shared the same air.


Lilly's little bird,
Pale and frail
As it could be,
Sang sweet
Perched inside
It’s narrow
Round cage
Though thin
Its song
Reedy it’s
Tiny tweet
Earnest it
Did repeat
And repeat
And repeat
tweet tweet
tweet tweet
retweet, retweet, retweet…
Through rice-paper walls
All day long
it’s Tinny Tune
Like a teapot
It’s steam
Endless and
so frantic, it seemed
Until the day I screamed
And Lilly screamed back
As the balance tipped
And judgment snapped
The heat relentless
Our goodwill sapped
And pretty soon
It went from room
To room
Out to the hall
We screamed
We vented
Over panic bird calls
While she swore
I pounded walls
She slammed the door
To end it all
And from that day
It was heard no more
Though I miss it now
I have to wonder
Did she set it free?
Put it under
The fate
I must admit
The fault
You may convict
Shame sits
As the silence now
Rests heavy
with me
Lilly never speaks
When oddly we meet
There is no look
Nor nod from
The Cold old bird
Now grown wary
She utters
Nary a peep
And as a gentleman,
I know not to tarry
Or to Ruffle
Her feathers
Never more
The canary
Next door.