Saturday, April 2, 2011


There had been a rash of calls from that side of town, the East side, on at  least a half dozen occurrences, about a woman walking nude about the rooftops while participating in an animated, and apparently rather agitated  discussion with herself. This evening’s was the second such incident endured by Mrs. Habner in the penthouse who was shocked to see a woman framed in the skylight over her bed.  Three weeks earlier, the same woman, hovered overhead, seemingly oblivious to the bedroom and occupant below. The woman lit a cigarette and seemed to be having an intimate chat with a male visitor., who stood over to her right and just “off camera”, as they say. The elderly lady never saw nor heard the male, which may have been a result of either her failing senses or the intruder’s fanciful imagination, but apparently he was quite humorous if not downright naughty while prompting bursts of  lusty laughter.  The woman lingered there for a good five minutes. Ms Habner felt caught between a dream and TV watching; Observing, not participating. But also felt like a bug in a glass jar.  Observed.

As they approached with great caution, the officers separated so as to get strategic angles on the naked perpetrator.  The chopper had already verified that she was indeed alone on the roof. Her gaze had been fixed on the heavy thumping of the craft hovering overhead, before she finally noticed the half dozen officers tip toeing cautiously toward her
“What is it you want?”
“We would like for you to come down to our office.”
“Sure thing. I’ll be right back.”
 Then she turned, flickered her cigarette, and stepped off the building. She made no sound the whole way down, excluding the finale, which was deathly dull.

Her Liver was a match but bore the physical damages of years of recreational, pharmaceutical, and alcohol abuse. Also in her system, introduced two months earlier, was ALNITE SL.  SL was the second generation pill, following the original ALNITE CS. Time and tests would prove some of it’s side effects to be sleepwalking, sleep driving, addictive behavior, including alcohol, gambling and sex. Also,  depression, elation, and euphoria.

The woman had no sense of where she was. For all they knew, she was simply going to her closet to grab a coat, or maybe she was taking a walk out onto the high dive. They could only surmise.

No matter. The liver was a match, but a mess, not worth trying. Raj would have to wait.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


There’s too much
to take your mind

Channels thought
from your soul
petty noise
satellite echo
bouncing off your brain

Too many options
With captions
You are forgotten
in Thoughts random
The same haze
you create
in your freaking
consumanic panic

it’s just a fuckin’ dream
drug induced
corporate scheme

the drugs are part of the vast supply line within the network of international media giants –
a virtual by-the-balls circumstance
should they pull the plug –
turning the world to dark
unconscious of thought
grinding out sausage laced with
netamphetamines numbing the neurons  (typo: herons) and clogging the arteries of our intelligence

Don’t give me your noise boy. The shit you create is of your making – the bigger the pile is up to you. Sounds to me like you full of shit right now, so hold tight and don’t let it explode. If you can’t do that, better give me fair warning….

Then they walked on. I over heard this conversation from an alley off Olympic. Late morning. Near Fairfax. Young man walking by…old man, followed close behind. Father? Son? I dunno, but you could tell the young one sought some respect, and he jumped out front playin the sidewalk like a stage. I suspect to the old man’s pleasure. That's how life plays out - short scenes.