Friday, February 12, 2016


 An outing was in order. Harley took the girls for ‘a day of it’. What “It” was, wasn’t clearly defined, so…they’d have a romp in the park…oh, and the zoo…out for burgers…a little TV, and possibly, hopefully, bedtime. Day One, then, was set. But what to do about the rest? Board games might be a hoot…(for an afternoon or two)…hmm. He sat perplexed. Maybe he was over-thinking this. Maybe it would take care of itself. But ‘they’ won’t, and ‘they’ were in his stead for the foreseeable future. It was the least he could do, his Ex now hospitalized for several weeks, and these were his off-spring after all, but the responsibility of twins was starting to dawn on him. There were adjustments that needed to be made. The accident was minor enough, they all thought, and the first trip to the hospital was strictly precautionary, in-and-out, but, then back-in again – something wasn’t right - complications arose. Complications arose in his life too. Take the girls for a night, or even a couple days…fine, but her ‘complications’ turned serious and then deadly, as a clot, undetected and untreated, made it’s way to her cerebellum and created all sorts of problems. After two weeks of struggling, and no sign of exiting the coma, she gave up the ghost, along with her daughters, to Him.


Monday, February 8, 2016


Don’t get me wrong. It’s not the dog’s fault. The dog was in the way, that’s all.

Gees, Lady, I understand you’re upset…

I know. I understand.

You have my sympathies…

He’s in a better place…

Too far? Okay, I’ll play it straighter. Not so contrite, but would you, please…I know…I am….I tried to….okay, I don’t give a shit about your dog. Happy?

He’d been driven there by her persistent, wailing attack, and although he truly felt terrible for the event itself  had the dog not “scampered” in front of the car… a white maltese…if only, it had been leashed… 

But yes, he was distracted, and to quite a degree, the result of  phone call from Marie. A phone call, ending it all. 

Could it be his life was starting to unravel? First the job, then Marie, and now the dog. 

He was on his way home after fetching his belongings at the office. They had ordered him to wait in the lunchroom while they went through his things. When he returned they had everything boxed and ready to go. He signed a receipt for six binders and a stack of papers, which he will be leaving behind, (…all deemed “eye’s only”).

The call from Marie came out of left field, which is to say it was totally unexpected, which is why he can’t believe what she’s saying, “…it’s just that, things aren’t the same with you, without the job, and I was thinking of leaving anyhow. I’ll grab my things and be gone.”

NO! Wait…

Then the dog dashed out, followed by the woman, still in her robe at this late hour, wailing and flailing her arms about. 

What was I to do? It was not as if I had a choice in the matter. But her voice…the shrill drill of it, it was just too much. I snapped. It happened. You can guess the rest. 
 Escorted ‘downtown’ by L.A.’s best.