Monday, March 31, 2014

Stem Of Retribution

And how is it I know you?

From the Internet.

What's your name?

My internet name? Like how you'd know me?

You use a "handle", do ya?

There's some crazies out there. Find out about you, where you live, picture of your house your car...your cat..where you shop…eat lunch…You understand.

I do. But, how do YOU know me?

Oh, YOU are quite active...and if I may say, quite obvious.

Perhaps to those in my circle, but you are not in my circles that I know of. What's your name?

They call me Blue & Yellow Dragon.

I suspect you gave yourself that moniker.

Well, yes. B - L - U - & - Y - E - L - O DRAGN

Sorry do not recognize it.


Maybe...that has a ring to it...

Do you know The King of Retribution?

No, and the more you say, the more convinced I am you got the wrong guy. What is it you want from me?

Ask you a few questions? Get to see each

You can do that on the net...

Where's the human empathy in that?

Who said anything about human empathy? Why would I be required to show a stranger any empathy? How do I know your intent?

My point exactly. How are we to know? Anyone can punch a keyboard. The fonts are basic...emotions displayed by crude can't be taken seriously as a reality, until you ARE a reality. Not some shitty cartoon face. Sit across a table, eat and talk...see what the other thinks...laughs about...has a passion for...what he thinks of women...sports...literature. The squint…the smile.

Man, you are really getting personal here.

That IS my point. but don't expect you won't get the same from me. I am prepared to speak freely.

That's mighty generous, but I have no interest.

I accept that.. Why should you? I believe you may have visited the King's link. His homepage, maybe his blog? You must have signed off on the privacy policy.

I doubt that.

Oh, no, you MUST have. It's the only way I could be here.

I don't understand.

Do you READ the policies?

Does anyone?

Yes many do....and should!


   'I agreed to allow you to share my personal information with your friends." - Right there in black and white.

Must not have seen it. I know I would not sign it if I had. I don't know this KING fellow to begin with.

Oh you probably do. He goes by a thousand names, and sites. He's big.

That makes him big? having sites and identities? What's he do? What's he selling?

A myriad of things, including Mystery.

I don't get it. 

Just a being in the ether, but not just one...the many.

Just being? How's that give him any power to be 'Big"?

Are you kidding? Are you plugged in? He shapes opinions, he stirs the pot, he unsettles the grand estate.

What grand estate?

The Establishment.

So he's a radical.

I would think we all are radicalized by one another...don't you?...I mean  in terms of differing fears, different mindsets...?

Oh come on. Commonality builds communities. Even on the net.

There are communities. Easy and safe. Chat about drinks & restaurants, kids, & dogs pics. If I see another self-involved selfie I think I'll hurl. But between the walls of those communities - the spaces between the blocks? There are packs, or people, that patrol, like wolves, they roam....they prowl...pick off the strays and miscreants.

Tell you what. You claim to know me? Let's TAKE a selfie...the two of us together . That will give you an identity in my world, and you can show this "King" that we met, even though we are not friends, we could be, and I’m alright.

You realize that once that is posted, we are Friends, if only in the digital world, and you cannot deny you know me?

Not sure I want that. Why do I get the sense that you don't want to be photographed. That you desire to be anonymous. to have no footprint in the digital world. Is that what this is? You one of those wolves? You culling me from the herd? I'm one of those strays? Why me?

You do not have a family. Is that correct?

I suspect you know it is. Why does that matter?

The King is a compassionate man. He respects family. He protects children when he can.      

I see.

You are starting to see. Aren't you?

I don't understand...

You do.

I do not. 

Your sites. The King is viewing them...opening up the windows...your life is flashing before his eyes while we speak, and he does not like what he is seeing.

How do you know this?

He is speaking to me...

You’re mad.

The ear-pierce?

I didn't notice.

Few do. It's impressive. An implant. This little wart behind the ear. See?  A a tic under the skin.

What do you mean? He's hacking me? Now?!

Oh, by now, he says he owns you.

But why?! Tell me why!

The sites. The children. we know what you are.

But what I do is....

We don't care to think of what you do, sir. The King is furious with you. He says you are repugnant. I'm afraid I've never heard him this angry. If I were you, I'd be very concerned for your being. Oh! That was loud!


His rage. He says you should be afraid.


Deep shit.

How do I get out? How do I make him happy? ...just to go away?

Too late.

What do you mean?

You've been erased. There will be no trace.

There must be a way. Just let me go away. Trace my activity if you must...what you know....but it will never happen again. Just let me go.

You have nowhere to go. They all know. Your mother begs to say it's not so. The King just sent her a picture of the Stafford boy...he seems to be your favorite defilement.


Your Mother is weeping...apparently "Your stepfather did this to you."

How...? No. My god.

What are your plans?

Let me run.

You won't run far.

How's that?

In your much cash?

I just ATM'ed two bills.

Then that is your sum. And, your last ATM run.

My money!


My car?

Just left the garage. Check your phone.

Dead! What the fuck is going on?!

You've been found out and cast out. Find your way. You are finally free of the dreaded grid.

Wait. Wait. Couldn't I be in the pack? You know, like you?

No, sorry, much too late. we know what you do.

What I DID…once! Not anymore. I swear.

Oh, we know...we all know better than that, don't we?...and we'll certainly know if you do it again.

If you've taken me off the grid, then How would you know?

Because as we shake hands, and I say goodbye...come on, try...


You are implanted too.


Yes. Now you may Hear Him roar inside your head. The Dread. He will haunt you when he wants to. You are his. That is his power. And do not try to dislodge it, less you accept the consequence. You really should have read ' the policy'.


You really should have read The Policy.

Please god, I'm so sorry.... Auurgh...stop, please stop. What is the consequence?

The crystal stem. Dislodge that and it will paralyze you within seconds. You will be aware but unable...

No! God, no! I beg you man...yes, yes...anything!

He mocks you. He knows 'They' begged for your mercy, too. Did they not? Don't make him more irate. He will haunt you with their cries, their whimpers. They will speak whenever he chooses. You will sweat through many a night…find yourself screaming in a car, a conference or in an intimate moment…but never again with a child. Never a child…he is merciless, he goes wild, and you will suffer.

I can't take this. Is there no end?

Just the one.


Yes. And he will know. He will have the last word...or their screams may drown out yours. That decision will be his. At the end.


Yes. Paragraph 3: 
"In all cases, we are free to  administer as we see fit..."

Now do as he tells you and,'Go'. I have other chores. You are His, and He is yours. My 'Friend', nevermore.