Monday, August 10, 2020

thin self

You are a thin shadow of your former self, Fritz.

I am a thin self in search of my former shadow...

What was it that brought you here? Why now?

I flowed through my former life... learned lessons...found I needed to reconcile, but then came the realization - it's "The Reckoning". Spread barren, Splayed bare.

...What brings you here?

What brings me is purely a lark. Something sparked my imagination and I decided to let it play out.

I'm some whim? I see.  Some figment of your imagination...

An 'extension' perhaps, but ultimately, it just wasn't what I had imagined.

An “imagination” can take on many a color, with many changeable shades and moods. Are you sure? Sure of your scope and direction?

I believe...

I simply don't know if I... if I'm up to The Reckoning.

'The Reckoning' is amorphous...vaporous. There is either 'No Reckoning'...or, you surrender at the gates of your private heaven, to be vaporized into the air and reconciled as a hair on the chin of a mote lost and tossed in a cosmic dust storm.

Absurd. I can't reckon...

No. None of us can.