Friday, March 13, 2015


I just want an ending to it...can't do this anymore…

I was wondering how you were…

Its either the nugs or darcotics. Something has to go. And besides who wants to read this crap when it babbles?

It’s best when it babbles. You on the other hand, are better off Writing than Speaking. Let your fingers do the talking.

Sign language.

Exactly: Big sign! – just 6” away from the front of your face - read it!

Can't do it. Too close to it.

Yes, You are.

…too big to take in…

No. That’s not true. Just step back 
for the wider view.

It’s a ‘scale and perspective’ thing…


Fuck that. I’ll ride the bow.

You always did….Look what happens. 

Fuck me.

Speaking of which...What happened to Wanda?

Ha! Wanda! You know “Wanda” was really named :
Rose – Mary “.

Doesn’t fit.

The thorns in common…for sure.

Sister…no…Mother Rosemary!

Ha! …be there to give you the last rights\smiling. Worse nurse I ever had.

You don’t try and make a girlfriend of your nurse…

…Or a Nurse out of your girlfriend.

Worse yet. Then you become dependent.

I guess so. She got transferred. No Mas.

Different Hospital? So what? You can’t see her?


Oh. Yeah, you’re right. That’s a trip.

She got tired of waiting for me…and waiting on me, for all I know.

She was well compensated.

She was no whore!

I was not inferring…

Neither Nun…nor, whore.

The same could be said for all of us.

Oh, I’m a whore, that’s for sure. You’re the fuckin’ nun.

How much longer you got?

This contraption?…a few months. The treatments another two…three…what month is it?


It’s not fucking August! Everytime I ask it’s fuckin’ August!

That’s ‘cause you keep asking and it’s still August.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015


The pen comes out

when the panic sets in.

Usually about 1 A.M.

 The given 

the taken…

                                 the shiver   

the shaken

Not to be mistaken

for Inspiration

or interptretation.

rather the fear


to heights


of desperation

the map

of last escape,

 to be taken.