Monday, October 15, 2018

mine is departed 55

I have no patience for modern culture, nor past.
My reality is very much in the present, and wondering -
will it last?
There's no interest in fads, celebrity, styles - never been....they are as fluid as a ripple...lasting just as long

Each generation grasps at something to claim, mine's
 either depressed, depraved or departed.


Clock Ticked 55

The light flickered in the wide gap beneath the door. The cloaked clock still ticked loudly, even though draped. 
I stirred, restless, unsure of my next move, or mood, no one is here to second guess. 
Best, that I remain isolated...incubated...frustrated, since the outcome is mine to predict. How, then, will it end?


Nodding 55

I nod. Nod off by the big bay window, listening to the wind blow, howling up the bluffs below. Unleashing its anger upon us, perhaps lingering for days, maybe gone tomorrow. Chances are those same clouds and lightning will just regroup somewhere else around the globe in some form, before returning to slam us again.