Friday, April 16, 2021

No Allure

I gotta get out from under this roof,

cloaked in it's dank claustrophobia

alone in this morbid cloister,

it's corners constrain me

it's orchestral

creaks and moans

speaks to me

chastises me

for being a static statistic

stuck in his 

crumbling zone

I wandered away from the fight, 

relieved to render my shield

as the tidal wave was breaking

and no relief in sight


I got to get out of town

don't know if I can afford it

but what's keeping me here?

...certainly no allure

         ( if “allure” could only begin to describe it)


.musty, dusty, old hut.

A Jungle fills the wild yard

save for the barren spots

which are the turd lots 

for neighborhood mutts

but what happened here?

Is life got too hard,

you know...

it just got too hard.

Something calls me

out of my zone

is 'someone' with me

or am I all alone?

Is there a tomorrow

or an end?


Who the hell knows.



Tuesday, April 13, 2021



from fertile streams

be dammed

in Spring

when blossoms bloom,

and bestow

such a glorious

tight hold

less they are foraged,

plowed under


down trodden

and rotten.


all the worse in Autumn

when one realizes ­

that things, indeed,

do FALL.

Winds whipped

rustling fading gold,

soon rattling brown.

Some already gone barren,

now on the ground 

while others cling

to the last of the fears

letting loose of the branch

losing their dresses

their flourish, 

their grace.

A futile fight.

Now nearly nude 

while waiting

winter's blast,

their black bones



starkly dark

and naked

stuck in a globe

in a snowwhite


just waiting

for a shake

that's soon to come


