Monday, December 28, 2020

something seeping



Finding sanity 

while lodged in the sameness 

of the mundane 

except for the burst of pain 

with its white hot flame 

that rips 

through the body 


then she flees to the city

like a mean dog running

angry and off-lead 


run bitch run bitch run 


just leave me on my knees 

pleading for relief 

but release is in the dying 

and dying is in the bleeding

just ‘be’

keep my mind 

functional and free

focus on time 

before the clock stops

by god...

some ooze goin' on  

seeping out the hole she poked

some bloke bled out

but this time 

it appears 

it's me


she stole my car 

while committing this crime

driving wild

can't be hard to find

it’s a Fo...oh!

...forget it...


the curtain draws

the usher, 

the lights

no sense lingering

no postponing

no atoning

this show passes

another closing

another night