Sunday, March 17, 2013

Embracing the Mundane

It was not  the best option
but it was the only option
She wasn’t the prettiest girl
but she was a lonely girl
She didn’t expect much
and he knew he could deliver

A marriage not made in heaven
built to endure on earth
A practical couple
Capable of earnest affection
If not true love

Don’t expect more
And maybe you’ll get
more than you expect...
always giving one another
more than they were owed
it worked for them
and that’s what mattered
moving ahead
by sharing the load

their first child was not the brightest child
but he was a normal child
(and we know they had sex,
at least when 
convenient and practical, 
so there was no other father 
nor ever a hint of scandal)

he was an only child
with not a brother or sister
was not gifted in any way
was not a pretty child
but was a healthy  one
closely resembling the parents
and acting just the same

they didn’t tolerate strangers
not before the baby was born
and certainly not after
they had no social life to speak of
but they all had each other
and there was the occasional laughter

they were a tight clan
of three
didn’t talk to neighbors
no reason to really
unless a reason arose
then it was short and sweet
that is, less there be conflict
something to readily avoid
made no promises
nothing to break
never their choice

believed in a god
up to a point
took solace in their religion
but not in their church
people to rub up against
people generally hurt

keeping clear and tolerant
a means by which to survive
'getting by' was tolerable
so no greedy needs
to 'Thrive'

Involving meant 
which is where 
they flatly failed 
to compromise
and firmly 
besides, Isolation suited them...
suited them just fine

menace creeps slowly
and waits outside the door
so check before leaving
can’t be too cautious anymore

save for the retirement
to spend before you die
what's left goes to the boy child
who has taken a new wife

she wasn’t the prettiest bride
it wasn’t the best option
but it was the only option
and she was lonely
as was he.