Monday, February 29, 2016



If you’ll hike up your skirt and lean over the table…
Why would I do that?
So that I might inject you.
While bent over a table?
It’s just a little prick.
Size aside, it’s the act I question.
I just need one buttock.
Good lord!
It’s preventative.
It’s perverse. One buttock, instead of two?
Don’t need two. But, you can have your pick!
My pick..?
Your pick of which buttock I prick.
Hold on. There are consequences, you know…
Ah! If it’s the side-affects that concern you…well, perhaps you’ll feel a bit lightheaded, some residual, minor…and I do mean “minor”… pain in the area.
Minor pain in the area?
There, there, nothing to get worked up about.
Any other side-affects?
Nausea…but, nothing of note…
Not by your notes maybe, but I think I might want to jot down a thing or two. And, I’m warning you…
Warning me? What on earth for?
Oh, I don’t know…Assuming the position, perhaps? …‘chose-a-buttock’? Or maybe we’ll just do with your ‘small prick’.
Ooohhh! Hah! Now I see where this came from. Good lord, you’ve got me red-faced…I’m afraid I’m just learning this game…profession…intern. I’m fairly new…
The shot? I could have a nurse administer…
No, I think I’d want you administering.
It’ll be painless.
I believe you.