Saturday, October 12, 2013

Perfectly Clear

...pretty soon you'll have to be wary of who your FRIENDS are, because they will start 'tangent-targeting' you for Likes, dislikes, reviews....creepy stuff.
Big Brother, under the covers.
You never want a FRIEND.
Surely don’t need lovers.

I am a man of no culture. Not dwelling in the web. Hidden, airborne like vapor. Not a trail to follow. Nor a scent to sniff. What appears structured, just hollow. Not a Who. Not an If. No culture, no face to render, no tender.

“He looked like……..”
“He was……..”
‘Yes I saw him, but not really...”
“Yes , for awhile, we were face-to-face. No I can’t describe him. Not at all.”
“I couldn’t tell you…”
“No, no one else was there. I was alone. I am sure. Saw no one…”
“We have surveillance.
“That wasn’t him.”
“I swear he wasn’t there.”

And these were the eyewitnesses.
This is how you have to be.
Spill your guts on the network and they learn about you
Too much about you
Your odd notions,

 ....and finances

Blab away
Easy prey
Online each day
No one cares
what you have to say
But they...
They do.

Best stay silent
Just Go away

Don’t scan
Don’t swipe
Don’t shred

Stray out, but if you must
Wear hats 
or bland disguises
in streets
or city bus

Don't borrow
Don't buy
Don't obsess
Don't possess

Change your look
…your identity to unlikely
nothing unexpected
but change it often
go unconnected

strip naked
go bare
Meld, blend, bleed,

Live somewhere barren
off a highway
Too long…
Too out of the way
No reason to go looking
And every reason to stay
Hidden in a desert
A lizard on a rock
There if you look hard
Gone before you can
Just a sense of exit
A flash before it’s gone

Yet I am sure they are looking
Spy sat’s overhead
Chameleon reeling on their screen
Drones driven to distraction
No target to target
Growing bored
by what’s ahead
Choppers shop the wasteland
Too hot to shop too long
Too grueling for the resolute
Backbreaking for the strong
As far away as forever
And still stay upon the sphere
They won’t cease looking

I've always been right here.