Friday, September 2, 2016


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It had to do with his dissertation. What it was about, we have no idea, but he was keen to finish it. He would spend long days and nights in the library. There just weren’t enough hours. Then two days before it was due, he disappeared. 
He was actually, snatched, as he made his way back to his quarters, simply to shower and change. He had on a dense winter coat, with scarf and gloves. At that hour of the morning, the chill just passes through anyhow, so he was in a frigid hurry. He carried his satchel, which, presumably, contained the documents. We don't know. But we do know, is that he would not part with them gracefully, if at all. So it would seem a struggle took place. There were some witnesses, but be warned, the kind of witness you get at four o’clock in the morning, in that neighborhood, might not be so trustworthy or even, traceable, for that matter.
They, the guys in the van (we think there were three, including the driver) shoved him into a barrel and tightened the top. They had thought to drill air holes in the lid, but he could not see anything except the van roof. How many were there, really? What did they want from him? If they wanted the dissertation why didn't they just take that? Why involve him? They drove for days. By now they had let him out of the barrel. They even stopped to let him stretch and relieve himself. He wore a black sack over his head, and his hands were bound in front. No one was talking. Not a word. He tried to get a response, any response, but none came. He would rattle endlessly, until they taped him shut. He learned to ride quietly.
After awhile it grew too quiet, and when they sent one back to take a look, he wasn’t expecting what he found, and screamed, which shocked the driver into making an ill-advised turn, which sent the van a’rollin. There were no survivors, per se, and I say that because one of the boys (turns out it was all a stunt) spent two weeks in a coma, before he expired.


Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Chester Henfield was cast aside at a young age. It was no doing of his, but he had exactly no time to dally. He had to ‘get on with it’, just to save his own skin and survive. No time for remorse, or your hurled curses. Only time will allow that, if you make it*.

So, if you want to talk about ‘tight’, that might be the hole Chester Henfield had to squeeze through, just to survive.

*(If you do make it,

you can unleash

all the hatred

you can muster,

if you must,

but I’d be careful…

very careful.)

Even the bird’s-eye view will be distorted by the lens of life’s experiences. You can’t see clearly from just one vantage so don’t try, even if it’s all you know, it’s never nearly enough.

Get along, flow along, after all, a bird’s eye is not the view Chester was privy to, more that of a worm, so it didn’t really matter. A worm sticking it’s head out of the murk, only to glimpse the real world while preferably in the darkness. Blind to the light, it shudders and withdraws.

So it is with Chester.

But then, Chester was oblivious. Obscured by his harsh, day-to-day, realities, were, The Realities

Of which he had no idea…or scope.

So, they didn’t matter.

Life exists in the moment for Chester.

Nothing else.

One day Chester found himself, fully exposed, in the bright moonlight. He had no idea it was lunar-something-or-other day… It was a fuckin’ Thursday, 1 AM and the last run to liquor store before closing. But then he was cast in this ‘magical light’ and thought to himself, “ What the fuck ?”

He cowered from it, even though he knew it was not an alien spaceship…it could be. He edged himself along the walls, and into the shadows, all the way to his apartment. It wasn’t far, a block and a half, but it felt a mile, and by the time he got back, he was sweating profusely, and had the agita, you wouldn’t believe.

Once he calmed down it was 3 – 3:30…and he never really rested, he just tossed and turned throughout . Part of it was his wish, and part was his anxiety. But best put those thoughts to rest. If only he could…

Waking up, wasted, with nowhere to turn. He wormed his way out of the hole, but suspected, just the same, something horrific would happen this day. His first day in daylight…

And it did, in the shape of a trash truck, run amuck…

Poor shmuck, just his luck.

Stomped upon, without even being noticed.