Monday, May 9, 2016


I’m changing my name. “Carmine Bisque” comes to mind. I think it has a mystique. But does it sound too much like a soup? I worry about that. Do you think it sounds ‘soupy’ ?

Carmine is not quite sanguine…oh, my god, is it too bloody? I don’t want the first impression to be “Oh… a…BOWL…of…bloody BLOOD.”

Wrong impression, that. I’ll have to ponder it a bit…play with it…“Carmine Bisque…Bisket…Basket…

Basquet…BASQUETTE !!”

Carmine Basquette! It shall be!

That deserves another glass of wine, it does.

In the meantime, let’s move on with the story.

I simply ask that you’ll just allow me to mull…

Perhaps that’s a story to be told on a different day, from a different perspective. Any perspective…

The nom de plume is pointless, without the story. Now, where to begin…? That’s a painful point to ponder, or, do you just take-the-Plunge?

I’ll have to sip on this awhile…

allow it to percolate.

...and perhaps a 'story' is premature.