Friday, March 7, 2025
farewell El'
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
soon to be wed
Not that it’s still a story.
It’s not.
Nothing to be told
that isn’t old
and yet still told
So, here goes:
Dude became a brute
who immediately embraced
her abuse.
From their wedding night on,
her life was a sliding scale
of beatings.
His “gentle touch”
proof in the burn marks,
born of boredom.
Tattoos disguised bruises.
Trips and falls
Were her fault
Until she slid off the scale,
in overload.
Three years on the chain,
now ‘broken’
Nothing left to give,
she gave up.
And as much as you think
the mother was wronged,
save your pity,
and your prayers,
for the daughter
she left him
Friday, September 27, 2024
The Stillness
The stillness made him uneasy. The claustrophobic quiet enveloped him. It hugged him in its tight grasp like an eight-hundred-pound ape. His breath was labored, his legs weak. There was the panic drawn from the fact that he was so remote…so crushingly alone. His ‘compass’ wound up and started to spin freely , picking up a momentum in his cranium. He was lost with no sense of direction. His next breath could be his last. Briefly, at first he caught glimpses of a cartoon classic playing in his head - an old alarm clock exploding and parts flying everywhere. But it got so it repeated repeatedly to a maddening proportion, until he mercifully, or purposely, passed out.
Coming to, he found the reboot did him some good. He had survived the fall from grace, and the upgrade went smoothly. His memory of the crash, eradicated.
Saturday, September 14, 2024
The dawning
It didn’t dawn on Megan
to look both ways.
She was careless…
her fears abandoned
free at last
until the moment
and much
too late
Monday, September 2, 2024
what was to come...
It was as ‘still’ an evening as she had ever experienced. Hot? … yes, and oh, so, still…102 at 8:00, with clouds moving in and wind picking up, overnight thunderstorms are 50/50 but the humidity would appreciate a winner.
“Sparrow” (not her real name -and not my idea)… fanned herself while casually perched on the narrow balcony above the fray.
“Crime” was very available, so foot-traffic was scarce. No traffic no sales. We closed but we open. She could hear the shop’s front bell from up here. She ‘could’, but knew she wouldn’t. Streets, as quiet as one could hope, but remain apprehensive. No never know on these streets. Someone could pounce out of the darker shadows, while a passing vehicle does a U-turn back around and fires with intent to inflict dire consequences.
So, she took to ‘the roof’ to take in the scene, for some quiet time and cool air, and what was to come.
Sunday, August 25, 2024
Lamar, the sky belonged to him
for as long as there was “The Spring”. …
An open field to roam.
Just play toss, nice and easy.
Before lightning strikes
with the hack of a blistering bat!
He had truly found his peace.
His grass, his peace.
But you know the game,
and before he goes lame,
they may not shoot you,
but your ticket's punched
just the same.
Friday, August 23, 2024
If I disclose any of my party of clowns they will drown me in a pool of ping pong balls.
Somewhere, lodged like a tumor in the back of my mind, was a baseball play-by-play Announcer, and a voice of his time.
Someplace there was a ruckus, I don’t know where the pummeling came from, but I heard them throughout. And someone was getting pummeled.
Apparently I clung to life, long enough to hang on.
Not conscious of breathing…or conscious of reality, It was a ghostly mystery to me, phasing in and out, and with each nod, a new mystery.
The clowns visit me at night and pummel me with pool noodles. A thousand lashes…never more. As a result, I drift into a comma.
The nurses call it “nodding off”...
(Drug-induced…at eternity’s ledge…but we’ll call it - “dozing” – for billing purposes).
But, I'm gonna call it "Noodling off."
“…if I should die before I wake I pray the Lord knows his mistake.”