Monday, September 2, 2024

what was to come...



It was as ‘still’ an evening as she had ever experienced. Hot? … yes, and still…102  at 8:00, with clouds moving in and wind picking up, overnight thunderstorms are 50/50 but the humidity would appreciate a winner.

“Sparrow” (not her real name -and not my idea)… fanned herself while casually perched on the narrow balcony above the fray. 

“Crime” was very available, so foot-traffic was scarce.   No traffic no sales. We closed but we open.  She could hear the shop’s front bell from up here. She ‘could’, but knew she wouldn’t. Streets, as quiet as one could hope, but remain apprehensive. No never know on these streets. Someone could pounce out of the darker shadows, while a passing vehicle does a U-turn back around and fires with intent to inflict dire consequences.

So, she took to ‘the roof’ to take in the scene, for some quiet time and cool air, and what was to come.


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