Skunk amuck:
So...Hello? I think I have experienced a whole new dimension. How do I know? Because it is I. As I know me…that’s what I’m talking about. The reverse lens, held in reserve, but now actively rendering an Inverted image....From my personal perspective...
I know it sounds like claptrap but I can’t deny it, I can only rephrase it or paraphrase, but its not a phase that’s going to faze out anytime soon, nor go, I doubt, awry or away.
You are quite full of yourself.
‘Full of shit’ you mean?
Fair enough. Might as well get it all out then. Empty those bowels.
Which is what you sense I’m up to?
Up to here.
Do you ever get constipated? Backed up? Can’t write...can't crap?
You welcome the release, if not pleasant, certainly necessary.
...or just write crap...So this could be a passing phase after all?
Passing gasses are part of the processes, let it stew then release...
We can only hope these too shall pass.
And I can see normalcy.
Until the cycle starts all over anew. But you never want to
be ‘regular’, really, do you?
It’s not reality. Reality is not regular, not routine…it’s
random. Chaotic, catastrophic, Claustrophobic. Constiphonic.
Hard to stay regular in that climate…
Scares the shit out of me.
Don’t hold back.
I sha(n)t.
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