Friday, July 22, 2016


It had a ring to it. It was just on the tip of my tongue. Damn. Amazing, how it slips away. Celebrity. 
I was amongst ‘has been’ and ‘almost was’, all the worshippers - way past their day of judgement, with a smattering of doubters. I suppose I was among them….the latter. But it didn't mean I wasn't open to the abuse bestowed upon me by, said celebrity,….I can be bought. But for a fee. And a hefty fee, at that.

 As for the celeb’s? They preened for the screen then they disappeared into their cabanas. It was to be expected, but yet, you expected more. It'll be over before you know it….and it usually is.

So, where we? I’ve ridden this fuckin’ train before….and unless….until..I get some solid verification, I'm no good to anyone. There are some mean spirited people among us….one can never tell. With the celeb you, you should expect the worst, first. If it should become gravy, Amen. But should it be ‘'the shits” ….that's a different matter. Can you handle it?

Meanwhile Oscar is five days late on his rent, for the third month in a row, and dodging the landlord. He has no fresh ideas…he’s out….metaphorically and otherwise. 
He needs a gig. Oh, he had scored a sweet one, bar tending a political rally (makes Celebs look like royalty). There was a promise of a regular gig, but the caterer was new and inexperienced and closed down. Before that, he foolishly spent the money partying. Celebrating the new job. It was a great party, but he was now busted, and about to be evicted.
“"Damn it, Chuck, you goaded me on…” is the only excuse he could come up with, but that was weak. He'd only himself to blame.
Tomorrow will be “"application day”’, tonight he’ll crash at Chuck’s, again, which will be uncomfortable because of his partner, who just happens to be a cunt. Maybe she’ll be out late. Sometimes she does that, and he appreciates it.
“"Who am I to question their relationship…” he thought, in a moment of guilt. He was invading their space. He’d try to sneak back to his pad tomorrow, but it might be risky. He was afraid the landlord might put his stuff on the street, so he had to take the chance.
He was wrong, she was home early, but just to change for an evening out of the house. Hooray.
“You know Oscar I really dislike you right now. You might be alright in small doses, but you are just too close, and it’s driving me crazy.”
“ I'll be out tomorrow.”
“"Before you do I'd like to get something out of the way.” She announced, then proceeded to have her way with him. 
“…but what about Chuck?”
“"Working late…” 
It was excellent. Wildly entertaining, yet necessitating his immediate exiting in the morning…


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