Tuesday, June 9, 2020

rant bam=bu

There is no form so
Don't preach me no formula
THEY do not believe in that bullshit
THEY just want to be heard
They don't voice a comma
or know a compound
They could care...
so just carry on, they tell me
hell it's all I can do to keep up
They prefer to work the night shift
No sense of time on that side
Tap me on the shoulder
say wake up, you're late
shoulder the load
sally forth soldier
stay awake you're late
Where the bloody hell
where you been, mate?
Yack, yack....the voices snap
they all want to be heard
I want to tell it
it needs to be told
Let me speak
Just keep up
You don't need the sleep
Stay awake! Stay Awake!
Tap away!
Come on!
Tap away just as we say
Are you getting this?
Or is it slipping away?
Ha, ha! That's what I thought!
...who found this moron?
Word count?
Absurd amounts
Words count
Absurdity mounts
The chorus Doesn't care
Not a scintilla
New words
Screw words
need words
would love to know
a more mellow flow
but, no...
they simply
spew words
Type, you bastard, type
Voices loom
in the dark corners of the room
Keep up
Don't drift off
You can make up for it tomorrow
....But I can't, not really
It's a BS conspiracy
A poor joke played on me
They know what aspiration
Inspired lunacy means to me
(lunacy requires no justification)
I do not prattle on, THEY do!
I just write what they tell me to
And if you don't like it
they say...
You know what to do
With your forms
your Form
your formulas -
that's what they say
That's them talking
Not me
So go ahead
fire away
let the last voice speak
if you've anything left to say
We're quick
to kill messengers
Less messy that way


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