Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Eel Takes The Risk

The Eel slithered down South Street, all replete in his downtown attire. It had been another heat wave day and everyone lay low, but come night, temperatures drop, and time to get out, let go. The clubs would be jumping tonight.
 Tanya wanted to blow off some steam, and the Eel hoped that meant what it usually means, which means, Tanya gets wild. You see, Tanya was a real machine, cranking away all night long, ridin', scratchin', bitin’, shreikin', punchin’, screamin' ... going at least ten rounds just to start feelin’ herself 'complete'. This suited the Eel just fine. Bought himself an extra pint, and hoped it might be needed. 
Tanya's daddy, now he was a different story, cruising South' in his El Dorado Caddy, and he always had The Boys. Eel knew the boys and that was cool, but Daddy had no idea what His baby was up to. 'Course if he knew about Eel, his eely skin would be due to hang on Daddy’s wall. Old bro’s or not, the boys would see it got done. On top of that, you better believe, it's damn difficult being discrete on South Street. No matter how dark the place might be, eyes see...Lips flap, word gets back, so Eel had good reason to 'pack'.
They met up at Blue Mood, the side room off the main, small table for two, still crowded just the same, but not visible from the front door, with a fire exit for quick retreat.
But damned if Tanya didn’t let it drop, and the back door got mysteriously locked. The Eel's on the spot...shots rung, some run, most drop. No one calls the cops until the joint is clear. Two down at a table nearby, but somehow Tanya and the Eel manage escape, which is how he got his name in the first place. By the time the coroner leaves the scene, Tanya, the freak that she be, is so high on the energy, she and Eel are already on round three, and he’s wondering if Florida might be a safer place to be.

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