Friday, August 5, 2016



The diners been closed for twenty years!
Then why is it we're sitting here?
You mean sitting on it?
Your vagina...mines been closed for twenty years.
Oh, I thought you said "diner"….mine's been Twelve...
You're six years younger. You'll catch up. 
I suspect you're right - the sodas gone flat... no fizz in the bottle…the flirt is only in the makeup. Beyond that…?
Fizz is fadin’ fast.
Okay, a game of "First and Last" …. who was first?... and, who was last?
Eddie Grant. Lucky he wasn't arrested...and Chuck, just before he
Marcus Shepard. I did not appreciate what I had, or what I'd done. I did not realize soon enough with Marcus...
Oh, bad Marcus...And, 'last'...?
………..Helen Banks.
Helen Banks!
Can't go out without tryin' it, and besides, she was the comfort I needed at the time, and 'at that', she was divine.
My goodness. And don't laugh at me for blushing!     You...!
Me, what?
HO - MO!
Hahahahahhahahahahhhaaa....40 men would beg to differ.
But not the Lady.
You are evil.
I am evil? Thou shalt not lie down with another man’s wife?
Patrick died years ago. She never knew, or wanted, another man.
I understand.
You do?
As much as I can....without 'going there'.
That's Fair. Let people be in their moment, be it grief, love, or just relief…
No one's business...
No one’s business indeed.


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